Please read the below information carefully prior to reporting an injury. If the injury is serious (i.e. EMS was called) then it needs to be called into First Response at 800-854-3632 ext. 2244.  This site is for UACL reporting only.

Read carefully before continuing:

You are entering a site that allows you to report an incident to the company. Incidents should be reported as soon as possible. To help facilitate responses and coverage to this incident all fields must be completed or the report will not go through. If you do not receive a confirmation email the report did not get submitted. Be as detailed as possible and state only the facts as you know them. Read your responses fully before submitting and make sure responses are accurate and completed. You may also use this site to help ask questions of the person you are reporting this for so you get as much information as you can. Some common things missed we’ll need:

  • Make sure you note the proper company and region incident is assigned to
  • Be descriptive when it comes to property or vehicle damage
  • Make sure the cargo description is accurate if needed
  • Accident location should include the location name and address
  • Have all pictures sent to Safety
  • A written report will need to be completed by the person the incident covers
  • Report all updates to Safety if accident or EHS if injury, do not fill out another incident report

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